2008 Summer Project Week:GroupwiseBSplineForDTI

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Home < 2008 Summer Project Week:GroupwiseBSplineForDTI

Key Investigators

  • Utah: Casey Goodlett, Guido Gerig
  • MIT: Serdar Balci, Polina Golland
  • Kitware: Brad Davis


We are developing methods for analyzing diffusion tensor data along fiber tracts. The goal is to be able to make statistical group comparisons with fiber tracts as a common reference frame for comparison. In order to use fiber tracts in population studies, spatial normalization of the population is required. We have developed a framework around a non-open source groupwise registration tools. We would like to integrate an open source tool to provide a complete framework for statistical analysis.

Approach, Plan

Our approach for analyzing diffusion tensors is summarized in the MICCAI 2006 reference below. The main challenge to this approach is the lack of open source tools for groupwise registration. Serdar Balci and Polina Golland have provided a tool for b-spline groupwise registration as described in the reference below.

Our plan for the project week is to make sure the tools can be run in an integrated fashion and evaluate the results of the registration.


The groupwise code has been run as a test on data provided by the PNL lab. Results have not yet been evaluated for quality.


  • Casey Goodlett, Brad Davis, Remi Jean, John Gilmore, Guido Gerig. Improved Correspondence for DTI Population Studies via Unbiased Atlas Building. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention, © Springer-Verlag LNCS vol. 4191, 2007. pp. 260 - 267.
  • Casey Goodlett, P. Thomas Fletcher, John Gilmore, Guido Gerig. Group Statistics of DTI Fiber Bundles Using Spatial Functions of Tensor Measures. Accepted MICCAI 2008.
  • Serdar K. Balci, Polina Golland, William M. Wells. Non-rigid Groupwise Registration using B-Spline Deformation Model. MICCAI Workshop on Open Source and Open Data 2008.