Projects:ARRA:miAnnotation Meeting 07202010
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Revision as of 17:15, 20 July 2010 by JChris.FillionR (talk | contribs)
Home < Projects:ARRA:miAnnotation Meeting 07202010
Hierarchy nodes concept
- introducing the hierarchy nodes concept (known from the model module in Slicer3) to group annotations
- enables to work on all annotations of one type or one subset
- Nicole provides architecture
- annotation lists for all annotation types? (see attached picture)
- fiducial lists are def. needed
- goes along with the hierarchy
- able to hide all of one type, work on just one type, show all but work on one type
- in the GUI sublists in the list widget would enable to select either a list or single annotations
- display annotation position (coordinates) in the list?
- every annotation has to have a display node
- includes getters/setters for visibility, colors
- where should the lock functionality go?
- does lock mean no position change or no change at all
VTK widget testing macros
- vtk widget testing macros to check if the widgets provide the
functionality we want them to (Nicole)
Displayable manager active node concept
- displayable manager active node concept
- no asserts in the code, will kill slicer
- solutions for multiple 3D views
- MRMLViewNode should have IsCloneOf(viewId ..) ?
- displayableManager could ask if ActiveTag of a node is a cloned
- MRMLViewNode should have IsCloneOf(viewId ..) ?
- rename ActiveTag in cameraNode to associatedView or activeView
- enable to add different annotations for different views?
- what happens if a scene containing annotations is loaded?
- MRMLViewNode::GetActive() to create the annotations in the appropriate
3D view