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Home < Algorithm:ProgressReports

This page is for planning how we will record Core 1 progress reports on the wiki. The idea is to make our work more visible inside NAMIC as well as to the broader research community including the NIH. These reports will get linked to the Main Progress Report Page, which will also get used to compile the annual reports that are due at the end of each year of the contract. The plan below is open for suggestions -- feel free to edit!


We want to have a new milestone to report in this wiki progress report about every 2 months. Given that we have 5 groups in Core 1, each group only has to report progress every 10 months. So, it shouldn't be a big drain of time. Please sign up below for a month (Dave Tuch already has a progress page up, and we'll count that for May).

Ideas and Mechanics

  • The idea is that you should have a page for each of the NAMIC projects you are working on (many of you already do). These project pages can be anywhere in the Algorithm Activities Area.
  • Once every 10 months, you will select one of these projects as the one you would like to present as your site's showcase accomplishment for the year and link it to the Progress Report Page. Cross-linking it to the algorithms activities area is a good idea also.
  • The page that you link to the progress report should be a concise summary of a certain milestone that has been reached. This milestone can be: description of an algorithm that has been developed, exciting preliminary results, submission/acceptance of a paper, or anything else that you want to be your showcase item for the year. (In contrast, most of the other project pages might not be in a "state of closure'.)
  • Feel free to report progress even if it isn't yet your turn. For instance, there might be a lot of progress to report after the Programmer's Retreat.
  • Pictures are always impressive to include in the progress report page.
  • Include links to references and code/programs if you have them.
  • Please note that the first NAMIC annual progress report is due to the NIH in June 2005, which means that you will get pinged for information about your accomplishments before then anyway. We are setting this mechanism up so that going forward, progress is reported on a rolling basis rather than only at the end of the year.