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Home < Collaborator:Resources:PAR

This FAQ has been prepared by NAMIC for PAR-05-063 to answer questions for investigators who are interested in exploring this as a funding option. While we consult with NIH periodically to verify it, please understand that this is our interpretation of this funding opportunity and not a view that is officially approved by NIH.

Note to potential applicants: please feel free to add your questions to this page, and we will do our best to provide answers.

I have an active/past collaboration grant with one of the participating institutions of NAMIC. Will that impact my chances of getting funded?

Answer: Please note the focus on forming new collaborations in this grant i.e. current collaborators should look perhaps at a general R01. New collaborations from the same institution as the collaborating NCBC, or new collaborations from the same institution as any of the subcontractors to the collaborating NCBC are welcome to apply. The key is to promote the formation of new collaborations. If you are not sure if this criterion applies to you, please contact us and we'd be happy to help answer the question.

In order for me to complete the project I would like to propose in my application, I expect to need some support from NAMIC personnel. Is NAMIC budgeted to provide collaborators with that support, and if so, at what level?

Answer: It is reasonable to assume that some proposals will need significant interactions with NAMIC personnel to ensure reaching their goals, and in that case those NAMIC personnel should get budgeted as part of that collaborator proposal (i.e. NAMIC there is no current dedicated funding to supporting these grants; appropriate budgets must be included in the new proposals.)

What is the duration for this grant?

Please note from the PAR: "The earliest start date is April 6, 2006" and "Each NIH NCBC was funded for a five-year period, and has the possibility for a single five-year renewal. Your application must recognize this timeline. Your proposed research must either be complete when the center ends, or you must request sufficient resources for continuing to support the components of the NIH NCBC that will be required beyond the lifetime of the center. Support to build long-term on the proposed work beyond the lifetime of the NCBC can be requested under the normal unsolicited NIH research program or via appropriate program announcements or requests for applications."

Is there an overview of NA-MIC that I can use for the grant proposal?

Yes. We put this NA-MIC overview for PAR-05-063 together in April 2005 and you are welcome to use it as needed in your application

What should I put in my letter of intent?

The letter of intent should contain the following information:

  1. Specific aims
  2. Who inside NAMIC will you be working with?
  3. What are your existing collaboration relationships with the investigator mentioned above? (Note, if the answer to this is different from "none", then we should clarify very early in the process whether you are eligible for this grant or not.)
  4. What do you plan to get from NAMIC as a result of this collaboration?
  5. What do you plan to expand the scope of NAMIC as a result of this collaboration?