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Home < FBIRN:CogClin TuesAM

1) Cognitive paradigms: Emotional Executive design open question:

  • How many runs?
  • How many subjects across sites?
  • At what point do we include ASL etc.?

Organize it around publications: Findings-oriented rather than methodology E.g., Negative connection between DLPFC/amygdala Ayse can do a small N study of Sz and normals Is there a way to publish with only 3-6 Ss per site?

Action item: Everyone to get their IRB approval in place for emotional pictures. Duke will send a description of the task. Duke to roll out the emotional exec. in E-prime for everyone to test. Some IRBs need all the pictures too. (Duke, UCI, Yale, IA)

Action item: Put stimuli, protocol and subject descriptions/methods etc. on the web NOW for IRB submissions.

How many runs? Do 8 for the summer study, to do the analysis with 4.

Auditory Oddball Action item: Do we need all 4 runs to get the reliability of the results?

Face morphing paradigm, also social cognitive paradigms: Can we test all of these?

--do we have to do behavioral testing first?

BH: Instrumentation--bellows unit; visualization for feedback (direct video? LED?) that works on all visual systems --need to be priced, purchased, installed and tested

--Make sure it works at MN and UCSD, as well as MGH and Stanford

--Duke, UCSD, MN already do respiration measures

--Yale and UNM and BWH to check on their capabilities

--Duke, UCSD, Stanford, MGH have the data logging

--Jim V. to join the Calibration WG on this topic

Data logging is a question: Many sites do it on a separate computer; Duke does it all through CIGAL and captures the information at the same place.

  • Question for Gary: Can we correct for the drift through software, rather than new bellows?

Timeline: June --have it at MN and UCSD, with some data

July-October--install it at BWH, Yale, Duke, MGH

ASL: How do we get those working at Yale and Brigham? Bryon is the key personnel. --each site has to get the ASL installed (UCI, IA, NM, Yale, MN; also BWH). --no flexibility on the Siemens side; no plans to do major changes to the UPenn sequence.

Action item: Bryon is going to coordinate the Siemens sites getting the ASL sequence; he'll need some time on a scanner that has ASL (may have to go to Iowa or MGH). Judy to talk to Todd at Yale.

Action item: BWH to identify who can support the ASL sequences (tweaking, operating system differences, recompiling the code, etc.). Steven to call Frank Jolescz (Director of Everything)? Check with Ron.

Action item: UCLA--they have an Allegro, not a Trio. Have to identify who can provide the sequence customization at UCLA (UPenn does not support).

Timeline: Have it all installed and tested by October--which means Bryon needs to start working on it within a month, if not at UMN then at Yale or Iowa or MGH.


These notes are for historical purposes only.

New cognitive task development: Emotional executive, face morphing, social cognitive paradigm, prosody vs semantic judgements. Can we try all of them and decide based on the data? Or Greg to do one, another site to do one?

Timeline: --Emotional executive: done at UNC; do it at UCI too --Iowa to do the prosody vs semantic judgments --face morphing/social cognition Yale can check this out (talk to Greg M!).

June: Big videoteleconference to share the results. June in Italy: 'Dinner meeting' for those participating.

Oct 15--AHM (roughly)--final protocol for traveling subjects done

January 2007--Begin east coast traveling Ss (Step 3)--healthy controls; continual upload and pre-processing ongoing Mar-May--analysis and revision

June-Aug--west coast traveling Sz and controls--continual upload and pre-processing-- Sept-Oct--analysis Nov-Dec--final revision Jan 2008--Full clinical study

March 2008--Progress report!

Subject characteristics: Still need a review of clinical assessments and criteria, particularly the dependence/abuse criteria. And the neuropsych data we want. And smoking information. --for this summer's testing: Start with the Phase II criteria for your Sz and do as you see fit for publications.