2011 Summer Project Week Patient Mounted Robot

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Template Project Name Goes Here

Here write a brief overview of your project.


Descriptions and progress go here. Here is where you write the bulk of your project. The details given in this Template Project page represent the minimal amount of information that should be included for each project. By housing all of the Project information on a single page, Wiki maintanence is reduced. Now we can link to this page from several other places in the Wiki, such as each site's Site Page, the NA-MIC Collaborations page, Project Week pages, and from the externally visible NA-MIC webpage.

Key Investigators

  • Site1: Person 1, Person 2, Person 3
  • Site2: Person 1
  • Site3: Person 1, Person 2, Person 3, Person 4


In Print: NA-MIC Publications Database.


  • Link1
  • Link2
Project Week Results:  Jan 2006, Jun 2007