OpenCV Module in Slicer3

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Home < OpenCV Module in Slicer3

Steps to Build and Use OpenCV Module

My operating system

Ubuntu 8.04 - the Hardy Heron - released in April 2008. Linux brainlab-desktop 2.6.24-23-generic #1 SMP Mon Jan 26 00:13:11 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux

Install OpenCV 1.0

1) Download OpeCV 1.0 at You get file opencv-1.0.0.tar.gz

2) Move the file to any temporary folder and then unzip it:

tar xvfz opencv-1.0.0.tar.gz 

You will get a directory called "opencv-1.0.0"

3) cd to opencv-1.0.0 and run these commands: ./configure make sudo make install

The above commands will configure, compile and install opencv 1.0 on your system.

Test camera

1) My camera Logitech QuickCam Pro for Noteboks

2) If you don't have a tool called "luvcview," you can get it using this command: sudo apt-get install luvcview

3) Plug in the camera to any usb port on your computer

4) Run luvcview

In a few seconds you should see video displayed in luvcview

Compile Slicer3

I have created a Slicer3 (in trunk) module named "OpenCV," whose name was suggested by Dr. Noby Hata. It's basically the videoOpenIGTLink module plus a few bug fixes. To include this module into your Slicer3 build, open this file: Slicer3/Modules/CMakeLists.txt

and uncomment "OpenCV" (by default, it's commented for now because it depends OpenCV library)

Test the system

1) Plug in your camera into any usb port 2) Bring Slicer up 3) Go to the modules list in Slicer3 interface 4) Pick OpenCV module 5) Press the button "second window on"

You should see video from the camera in a few seconds.

Future Work