2007 Programming/Project Week MIT

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Back to Programming/Project Events

June 25-29, 2007, MIT

Please Note

Programming/Project week is one of the major events in the NA-MIC calendar. This will be our third annual Summer Programmming/Project Week.

  • Core 1 - bring your algorithms and code to work on in the company of Core 2 engineers and Core 3 scientists.
  • Core 2 - bring your code for infrastructure and applications to extend the NA-MIC Kit capabiliities, integrate Core 1 algorithms, and refine worflows for Core 3.
  • Core 3 - bring your data to work on with the NA-MIC Kit and get assistance and provide feedback to Core 1 scientists and Core 2 engineers.
  • Everyone should bring a laptop. We will have three or four projectors.
  • About half the time will be spent working on projects and the other half in project related discussions.


Results of this event will be summarized here after it is completed.


Projects should be added here...

Structural Analysis

Diffusion Image Analysis

fMRI Analysis


  • Slicer3
    • QDEC integration into Slicer3 (Nicole Aucoin BWH, Kevin Teich MGH, Nick Schmansky MGH, Doug Greve MGH, Gheorghe Postelnicu MGH, Steve Pieper Isomics)
  • Slicer2

External Collaborations

Non-Medical Collaborations


Dates: June 25-29, 2007 Registration Fee: Registration fee is TBD. It will be payable by check onsite.

Background and Preparation

We continue to call this event "Project Week" or "Project Half Week", depending on how its duration, rather than by its original name of "Programming Week". Along with programming, a fair amount of algorithm design, and clinical application brainstorming also takes places and the name change reflects the broader scope of the event. What does this means for participants: if you are participating in a NA-MIC project or collaboration by providing algorithmic or clinical input, you are very welcome to attend. As always, participation is entirely voluntary.


The main goal of this week is to move forward the deliverables of NA-MIC. All NA-MIC participants and their collaborators are welcome.

  • Members of all cores are welcome. This event involves programming, algorithm design, and clinical application development/testing.
  • The event is open to people outside NA-MIC, subject to availability.
  • You do need to be actively working on a NA-MIC related project in order to make this investment worthwhile for everyone.
  • Participation in this event is voluntary -- if you don't think this will help you move forward in your work, there is no obligation to attend.
  • Ideal candidates are those who want to contribute to the NA-MIC Kit, and those who can help make it happen.
  • This is not an introduction to the components of the NA-MIC Kit.
  • Submit any projects that you would like to work on during this week, and what type of help you might need for it.

Preparation for the workshop

  1. Please make sure that you are on the na-mic-programming-week mailing list
  2. May 3, 2007: Kickoff TCON#1 to discuss Engr Core Projects and Assign/Verify Teams
  3. May 10, 2007: TCON#2 to discuss Projects and Assign/Verify Teams
  4. May 17, 2007: TCON#3 to discuss outstanding projects and teams from previous week
  5. May 17, 2007: Create a Wiki page per project (the participants must do this, hopefully jointly)
  6. May 31, 2007: Create a directory for each project on the NAMIC Sandbox (Andy)
    1. Commit on each sandbox directory the code examples/snippets that represent our first guesses of appropriate methods. (Luis and Steve will help with this, as needed)
    2. Gather test images in any of the Data sharing resources we have (e.g. the BIRN). These ones don't have to be many. At least three different cases, so we can get an idea of the modality-specific characteristics of these images. Put the IDs of these data sets on the wiki page. (the participants must do this.)
    3. Setup nightly tests on a separate Dashboard, where we will run the methods that we are experimenting with. The test should post result images and computation time. (Andy)
  7. By 3pm ET on June 14, 2007: Complete the top half of this powerpoint template for each project. Upload and link to the right place.
  8. June 14, 2007: TCON#3 Review of 4-Blocks (Structural, DTI, Collaboration, Other)
  9. June 21, 2007: TCON#4 Review of 4-Blocks (NA-MIC Kit)
  10. Please note that by the time we get to the project event, we should be trying to close off a project milestone rather than starting to work on one...

Attendee List

  1. Kilian Pohl, BWH, Core 1
  2. John Melonakos, Georgia Tech, Core 1
  3. W. Bryan Smith, UCSD/NCMIR, Core 2 (Tentative)
  4. Jim Miller, GE Core 2
  5. Steve Pieper, Isomics, Core 2
  6. Katie Hayes, BWH, Core 2
  7. Dan Blezek, GE Core 2 (Tentative)
  8. Tina Kapur, BWH, Core 6
  9. Ron Kikinis, Core 7, PI
  10. Peter Kazanzides, JHU, Collaborator
  11. Wendy Plesniak, BWH, Collaborator
  12. Luca Antiga, Mario Negri Institute, Collaborator
  13. Sylvain Bouix, BWH, Core 3
  14. Chris Wyatt, Virginia Tech, Collaborator
  15. Nicole Aucoin, BWH, Core 2
  16. Will Schroeder, Kitware, Core 2
  17. Sebastien Barre, Kitware, Core 2
  18. Brad Davis, Kitware, Core 2
  19. Stephen Aylward, Kitware, Core 2