2008 Winter Project Week:MRMLScenesForExecutionModel

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Home < 2008 Winter Project Week:MRMLScenesForExecutionModel

Key Investigators

  • GE: Jim Miller
  • Kitware: Brad Davis
  • BWH: Nicole Aucoin
  • Isomics: Alex Yarmarkovich, Steve Pieper


Integrate MRML Scenes into Execution Model modules.

Approach, Plan

Goal: pass MRML scenes and subscenes back and forth between Slicer3 and command line executables/plug-ins.

Requirements/Design: MRML scenes are currently used as wrappers to pass transforms and model hierarchy nodes to command line executables/plug-ins. Does this infrastructure need to be expanded to support other node types? Or is a separate mechanism needed to pass complete scenes?

Concerns: Id remapping is major concern when passing scenes. A second concern is how to indicate that a subscene is to be replaced.


Jun 2007 Project Week

MRML Scenes for the Execution Model including Transforms

Jan 2008 Project Half Week
