2011 Summer Project Week Needle Detection to Control Scanner for Prostate Biopsy

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Home < 2011 Summer Project Week Needle Detection to Control Scanner for Prostate Biopsy

Needle Detection to Control Scanner for Prostate Biopsy

Key Investigators

  • Brigham and Women's Hospital: Atsushi Yamada, Loïc Cadour, Junichi Tokuda and Nobuhiko Hata


  1. For showing MRI which will be taken in realtime at a tip of the needle to a surgeon in prostate biopsy, we will track the tip of the needle and control the scanner by using the tracked position data automatically.

Approach, Plan

  1. Tracking: Develop a tracking program by using OpenCV
  2. Control: Develop a server to send the tracked position data to 3D Slicer
  3. Receiver: Develop a receiver to obtain MRI from a scanner


  1. I received raw images from "a scanner simulator" and showed the received image on the 3D view of Slicer "by using OpenCV".
  2. For sending the tracked position of the tip of a needle of a prostate biopsy, I modified transform matrix in using process timer event.
  3. For an experimental movie, the tracking of the tip of the needle was executed.
  4. For an clinical case movie, a low pass and high pass filter was implemented and tested to detect the tip of the needle easily.
