2017 Winter Project Week/SlicerShape

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Home < 2017 Winter Project Week < SlicerShape

Key Investigators

  • Beatriz Paniagua (Kitware, Inc.)
  • Johan Andruejol (Kitware, Inc.)
  • JC Fillon-Robin (Kitware, Inc.)
  • James Fishbaugh (NYU)
  • Priscille de Dumast (UofM)

Project Description

Objective Approach and Plan Progress and Next Steps
  • SALT Shape AnaLysis Toolbox, will be a comprehensive software that will allow biomedical scientists to precisely locate shape changes in their imaging studies. SALT will enhance the intuitiveness and ease of use for such studies, as well as allow researchers to find shape changes with higher statistical power. Altogether this constitutes a crucial resource for the imaging field that will enable many and important new findings in biomedical imaging studies.
  • SALT will be a packaged as a customized version of Slicer, but all different functional units of SALT will be disseminated as extensions as well and will contribute back to the platform.
  • The main objective of this project will be touching base with the Slicer community and making sure our efforts are synergetic for other Slicer researchers.
  • We will have a breakout session 9am on Wednesday to talk about the different shape functionalities of Slicer, and how Slicer can help SALT and how SALT can help the platform. Come join us!!
  • I would like to continue some discussions on how the customized versions of Slicer and Slicer co-exist. During Project Week 2016, there were discussions on how the new website was going to be and how the different Slicer eco-systems were going to be acknowledged, I wonder what happened with that. I would like to identify some key players and make a decision.
  • I will get started developing the dissemination infrastructure and dashboards during the week
  • I will get started developing a customized version of Slicer for SALT.
  • Dashboard created.

Background and References