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Home < DBP3:Utah:SlicerModuleAutomatedLASegmentation

CMR Toolkit LA Segmentation Using Graph Cuts

Automated LA Segmentation

Authors, Collaborators & Contact

  • CARMA Center, University of Utah: Gopal Veni, Salma Bengali, Alan Morris, Josh Cates, Rob MacLeod, Ross Whitaker

General Information

Module Type & Category

Type: CLI

Category: Cardiac MRI Toolkit

Module Description

This module automatically segments the left atrium from a cardiac LGE-MRI image volume. The input to the module is a cardiac LGE-MRI image, a smoothness parameter and model data. The model is arbitrarily selected and can be changed to check if it improves the segmentation output.


Examples, Use Cases & Tutorials

  • This module is meant to be used for segmenting the left atrium from cardiac LGE-MRI images.

Quick Tour of Features and Use

The following are the inputs and outputs:

  • Input Image : Select the cardiac LGE-MRI image volume
  • Smoothness Parameter : Select the smoothness parameter value
  • Model Number: Select the model number
  • Output Endo Label Image: Create the output endo label image
  • Output Epi Label Image: Create the output epi label image
  • Model Data Directory: Select the directory of the input model
  • Epi Mesh: Create the output epi mesh
  • Endo Mesh: Create the output endo mesh
  • Center of Left Atrium: Select the approximate center of the left atrium by placing a fiducial


Source Code & Documentation

The source code for this module can be found at the CARMA GitHub repository.