Events:RSNA CTSA 2009

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Home < Events:RSNA CTSA 2009


RSNA, McCormick Place
Date: Tuesday December 1, 2009
Time: 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Location: IA31


  • to enhance interpretation of DICOM images through the use of 3D visualization and analysis
  • to gain experience with interactive, quantitative assessment of complex anatomical structures and functional images
  • to present current directions of quantitative imaging as a biomarker in clinical trials

Upon completion of this course, participants should be able to

  • Describe the methods used for basic analysis of quantitative imaging parameters
  • Describe the principles of image registration, segmentation, and volume measurement, and select and use appropriate software for 3D reconstruction
  • Identify key analysis and acquisition requirements for multi-center quantitative studies
  • Evaluate the impact of quantitative analysis methodology on their research interest


  • 10:30 AM (Kasia Macura): Overview of imaging biomarkers and their use in clinical trials
  • 10:45 AM (Randy Gollub): Generic principles of image registration, segmentation, visualization (technical aspects)
  • 11:00 AM (Jeff Yap, Sonia Pujol): Description and hands-on interactive demo for each of the imaging biomarkers and requirements for standardized acquisition in multi-center trials (e.g. RSNA QIBA)
    • Hands-On: Volumetric MR analysis: tumor growth anaysis and measurements
    • Hands-On: FDG-PET/CT (pre/post-therapy whole-body imaging with SUV quantification)
    • DCE-MRI

Tutorial Slides

PET/CT Fusion in Slicer3.5 DRAFT Tutorial Slides

RECIST in Slicer3.5 DRAFT Tutorial Slides

ChangeTracker Tutorial Slides

Tutorial Data

Click here to download: Data for RECIST tutorial

Click here to download: Data for Advanced Tumor Response Analysis tutorial

Click here to download: Data for Quantitative PET/CT tutorial


Data updated again on 11/8 -- changes made to PETCTFusion-Tutorial after some input from Ron. Changes also made to RECIST tutorial to integrate Compare View.

Data last updated on 11/6 -- changes made to PETCTFusion-Tutorial-Scene.mrml so initial display of data is better. (No changes to datasets included in scene have been made.) -(wjp)

Tutorial Testing

11-6-09. All tutorials and datasets load and run in Windows RSNA build (generated 11-04-2009). (Stuart W.)


11/2/09 - An svn branch "Slicer3.5-RSNAWorkshop" has been created to keep a more stable implementation aside from the trunk for RSNA. The module is checked in to this branch, and into Slicer's trunk, so it's available as of 11/3 in the nightly build. The nightly build can be used to test this tutorial.

Draft tutorial software: [DRAFT binary]

11/6/09 - SVN branch has been updated to include some logic changes, and body weight qualifier to SUV labels (SUVbw). We should include these changes in the binaries for workshops.

Click here to download New Tutorial Software: Slicer3.5-RSNA-2009-11-06-win32.exe