IGT:Image Anonymization

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Home < IGT:Image Anonymization

Process to anonymize DICOM, SIGNA, and GENESIS headers

Currently these procedures are to be used from within SPL on a solaris machine. In all cases, first login to a SOLARIS machine (e.g. ocean) and set the following environment variable:

setenv ANON_DIR /home/mark/anon

  • DICOM data anonymization

To see the DICOM anonymization options type:

wish $ANON_DIR/dcanon.tcl Typically for our needs, something like the following is sufficient:

wish $ANON_DIR/dcanon.tcl -force -nostrip /d/bigweekly/example/000001.SER/ /d/bigweekly/example/anon1

  • SIGNA data anonymization

From the directory with your non-anonymized signa images type:

$ANON_DIR/siganon I.001 anon.001

This can be done for an entire series. For example, if you had a directory full of signa images numbered I.001 to I.124, you could anonymize all of them (from within the directory containing the images) with the command:

ls -1 | awk '{printf("$ANON_DIR/siganon I.%03d anon.%03d\n",NR,NR)}' | sh

This will create an anonymized series of 124 images called anon.001 - anon.124

  • GENESIS data anonymization

From the directory with your non-anonymized genesis images type:

$ANON_DIR/genanon I.001 anon.001

This will create an anonymized series of 124 images called anon.001 - anon.124

This can be done for an entire series. For example, if you had a directory full of genesis images numbered I.001 to I.124, you could anonymize all of them (from within the directory containing the images) with the command:

ls -1 | awk '{printf("$ANON_DIR/genanon I.%03d anon.%03d\n",NR,NR)}' | sh

This will create an anonymized series of 124 images called anon.001 - anon.124
Note that the input image and the output image can be the same image.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please email Mark Anderson