Mbirn:DTI Morphometry Projects

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Atlas Information

JHU Atlas

Susumu Mori has made his white matter atlas work available to mBIRN. A login and password is required for login (this is the same account and password used during the grant preparation phase -- contact Steve Pieper if you need access).


See the README.txt file for information about these files.


I am now putting in a white matter parcellated image (analyze format, with .mat and .hdr). And a file stating the anatomic labels that correspond to the indexes.

File:MGH WM.tgz

File:7 8.tgz

Morning DTI Breakout Session (Fri March 4, 2005)

Discussions / Demos

  • Susumu Mori showed the DTI analysis and visualization software ( http://cmrm.med.jhmi.edu/ ). The boolean operators in this tool appear to have the functionality that Jim Fallon needs for his atlas generation.
  • Susumu also showed his work on white matter atlas generation from DTI.
  • Dave Kennedy showed his work in morphometry-based white matter parcellation. This data is generated from the output of FreeSurfer cortical parcellations (does not require / benefit from DTI). This work white matter parcellation work was originally reported in Meyer JW, et al. MRI-based topographic parcellation of human cerebral white matter Part I: Technical foundations. NeuroImage, 9:1-17, 1999 White matter parcellation: Overview
    White matter parcellation: Overview
    Details of deep white matter divisions
    Details of deep white matter divisions

Plans for October Meeting

The following two projects should lead to publishable / deliverable results by October 2005.

  • Vietnam Era Twin Study of Aging (VETSA) study
    • Dave Kennedy will try applying his white matter tool to the initial studies (35 sets of aging twin processed by UCSD).
    • Susumu Mori will provide his deep white matter atlas from DTI
    • These label maps will then be used define ROIs for DTI analysis of these studies by Michele Perry and Anders Dale. They will review these to see if its possible to combine the two atlases (using Dave's atlas for the white matter adjacent to the cortex and not included in Susumu's atlas).
    • Steve Pieper and Raul San Jose Estepar will provide a working version of the tensor based non-linear registration tool in slicer. Anders will use this to generate group average tensor maps for group analyses.
  • BELL: (BIRN Effort to Localize Lesions)
    • James MacFall is interested in extending the MIRIAD analysis to include white matter tract information in the mapped atlas. The hope is to find correlations between the tracts and lesion locations.
    • BWH will provide a registration tool to register the atlas to the Duke data.
    • The white matter atlas (same genesis as in VETSA) will be registered to the Duke data by Duke.

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