NaviTrack Tutorial:Integrating:Passing image data

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Home < NaviTrack Tutorial:Integrating:Passing image data

Overview for passing image data

NaviTrack have a capability to send any C++ data types through NaviTrack data stream. That means, once you define a C++ class, you can transfer any kind of data even through a network, in quite same way as you did for coordinate data in previous tutorial pages.

For an image transfer, NaviTrack has already had a "Image" class to pass image data. This class has a few member variables including image size and image itself, as well as memberfunctions to serialize image data. Serialized image data is pushed into NaviTrack data flow as an event, and transfered to other nodes.

Image class is defined in include/OpenTracker/types/Image.h and src/input/types/Image.cxx.

Sending side

Modify MyTutorialModule

To send data through NaviTrack, it is necessary to generate a new event, which contains the data. The following code is implemented into MyTutorialModule to be called from your application.

 void MyTutorialModule::setImage(Image& img, int w, int h)
       Event event;
       event.setAttribute("image", img);
       event.setAttribute("xsize", w);
       event.setAttribute("ysize", h);
       source->updateObservers( event );


The core part of image sending would be like following code:

 MyTutorialModule* mtm = (MyTutorialModule*) context.getModule("MyTutorialConfig");
 int stopflag = 0;
 int i = 0;
 while (stopflag == 0) {
    // load image data to image_data here.
   Image img(width, heigt, sizeof(short), (char*)image_data);
   if (mtm) {
     mtm->setImage(img, w, h);
   stopflag = context.loopOnce();

Receiving side

Modify MyTutorialSink and MyTutorialModule

MyTutorialSink.h: Add member variables to hold the coordinate data:

   Image image;
   int width;
   int height;


 void MyTutorialSink::onEventGenerated( Event& event, Node& generator)
   if (event.hasAttribute("image") &&
       event.hasAttribute("xsize") &&
       image = event.getAttribute((Image*)NULL, "image");
       width  = event.getAttribute(std::string("xsize"),0);
       height = event.getAttribute(std::string("ysize"),0);
       width  = 0;
       height = 0;


 MyTutorialModule* mtm = (MyTutorialModule*) context.getModule("MyTutorialConfig");
 while (stopflag == 0) {
   stopflag = context.loopOnce();   // push and pull Event
   if (mtm) {
     Image img;
     int w, h;
     mtm->getImage(img, w, h);
     if (img.size() != 0) {
       // do something for the received image here


In terminal 1 (sending side: pushimage)

$ ./pushimage tutorial_source.xml

In terminal 2 (receiving side: pullimage)

$ ./pullimage tutorial_source.xml

!!NOTE!! You may encounter application errors, while passing image data through a network using NaviTrack NetworkModule. This is because NaviTrack NetworkModule uses UDP for a communication between Sink and Source. Each data has header information in this communication including entire size of the data, and packet loss causes inconsistency between data size information in header and actual data size. NaviTrack has no capability to recover this kind of error in the current version.

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