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<< OpenIGTLink

Source code

An Open Source implementation of the OpenIGTLink protocol is available at


This code is distributed under the new BSD License.


Building instructions


C-code implementation (w/o socket)

The library contains c codes in the Source/igtlutil directory to generate Open IGT Link message byte stream.

To send transform

 #include "igtl_util.h"
 #include "igtl_header.h"
 #include "igtl_transform.h"
 /********** pack data body **********/
 igtl_float32 transform[12];
 for (int i = 0; i < 3; i ++) {
   transform[i]   = matrix[i][0];
   transform[i+3] = matrix[i][1];
   transform[i+6] = matrix[i][2];
   transform[i+9] = matrix[i][3];
 igtl_transform_convert_byte_order(transform);  /* convert endian if necessary */
 /********** pack data body **********/
 igtl_header header;
 igtl_uint64 crc = crc64(0, 0, 0LL);          /* initial crc */
 header.version   = IGTL_HEADER_VERSION;
 header.timestamp = 0;
 header.body_size = GetBodyPackSize();
 header.crc       = crc64((unsigned char*)m_Body, GetBodyPackSize(), crc);
 strncpy(, "TRANSFORM", 12);       /* Device Type: should be "TRANSFORM" */
 strncpy(header.device_name, "Tracker", 20);    /* Device name */
 igtl_header_convert_byte_order(h);   /* convert endian if necessary */