Slicer3:Loadable Modules:Phase1

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From Slicer3:Loadable_Modules:

   * runtime module discovery
   * module template
   * like CommandLineModuleFactory 

Starting at ~900 in Applications/GUI/Slicer3.cxx, static modules load occurs.

Using vtkSys tools to list shared libraries present. Use itk::DyanmicLoader to open libraries and call our specified entry points.

The actions taken for each module to be added could be queried from the found shared library using a LoadableModuleInfo class. Some of the information a library should provide:

  • vtkSlicerLogic pointer (maybe this is one of the defined entry points for a loadable module)
  • methods to call on the Logic pointer
  • vtkSlicerModulesGUI pointer (ditto)
  • methods to call on the GUI pointer
  • module name

LoadableModuleFactory (dervie from? Libs/ModuleDescriptionParser/ModuleFactory.cxx) handles this. Looks like ModuleFactory::ScanForSharedObjectModules does something very similar.

Create shared libraries for each of the static modules listed in Slicer3.cxx

loadable modules entry points

void* GetLoadableModuleGUI
void* GetLoadableModuleLogic
char* GetLoadableModuleDescription

That might be it, it'd be nice to have the module describe the necessary methods to call on the GUI and Logic pointer, but that might be Phase I-A. Within Slicer3_main, there doesn't seem to be much variation.


