Slicer3:Slicer Daemon

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Home < Slicer3:Slicer Daemon

Goals and Functionality

The Slicer Daemon refers to a network protocol that can be used to connect to a running instance of slicer to read and write data in the MRML scene and execute other commands. The name is based on the unix system convention of naming network services 'daemons'.

Server Implementation

The file slicerd.tcl implements the server side functionality.

By default it listens for connections on port 18943.



Two utilities are provided:

  • slicerget.tcl is used to read volumes out of slicer. The volume is written to the stdout of the slicerget command in nrrd format.
  • slicerput.tcl is used to write volumes into slicer. The volume is read in nrrd format from stdin of slicerput and loaded into the mrml scene.

Some sample commands (assumes your PATH is correctly set to include unu, slicerget and slicerput):

# a noop -- just copy image onto itself
slicerget.tcl 1 | slicerput.tcl noop
# put external data into slicer
unu 1op abs -i d:/data/bunny-small.nrrd | slicerput.tcl
# run an external command and put the data back into slicer
slicerget.tcl 1 | unu 1op abs -i - slicerput.tcl abs

