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Daniel Haehn's Page

Daniel Hähn
Student of Medical Informatics
University of Heidelberg, Germany
E-Mail: or
Expected Graduation: Summer 2009

Vessel Segmentation in Slicer3

Project goal: Implementing a vessel/tube segmentation module in Slicer3
Kick-Off: 10/15/2008

Task 1: Module for Slicer3 based on old version

In Slicer2 exists a module called vtkExtractAirway. This module is based on a centerline approach documented in the following paper: "Aylward, S.: Initialization, Noise, Singularities, and Scale in Height Ridge Traversal for Tubular Object Centerline Extraction (available".

Since the algorithm is not fully implemented yet, the idea is to port the Slicer2 module to Slicer3 and finalize it to be used as a semi-interactive way to segment vessel or other tube shaped ROI.

The semi-interactive way should work like the following that a user clicks into a path of a ROI and then the algorithm computes all the connected tubes and highlights them.

Task 2: an interface to VMTK in Slicer3

More recent news on this project:

VMTK is the Vascular Modeling Toolkit ( and offers interesting techniques for segmentation of vessels or tube-shapes.

It should be very interesting to offer such techniques in Slicer3. So the plan is to make a python scripted module that connects to VMTK pipes and provides even the possibility of user interaction.

This task is scheduled for the NAMIC project week 2009. Luca Antiga and me planned to develop it in an "extreme programming"-way. Until then I will focus on the ground work for making an interactive slicer module and on building VMTK pipes.