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For 64 bit windows:
For 64 bit windows:
  ./Slicer3.exe --launch "c:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio 8/Common7/IDE/devenv.exe" --detach Slicer3.sln
  ./Slicer3.exe --launch "c:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio 8/Common7/IDE/devenv.exe" --detach Slicer3.sln
Then go to the Slicer3-real project and right click on it and select Set As Startup Project from the menu.  Then you can use F5 to compile and start the debugger.
Then go to the Slicer3-real project and right click on it and select Set As Startup Project from the menu.  Then you can use F5 to compile and start the debugger.

Revision as of 14:37, 29 October 2007

Steve Pieper of Isomics, Inc., is the Core PI for NAMIC Dissemination and Site PI for the BWH activities in the Engineering Core.

Email: pieper at bwh.harvard.edu

Handy Links



vim settings

Get to them on windows with

:e $VIM/_vimrc

or on unix with

:e ~/.vimrc

The values I use are:

" Steve Pieper's VIM preferences

set nocompatible
source $VIMRUNTIME/vimrc_example.vim
source $VIMRUNTIME/mswin.vim
"behave mswin
behave xterm

set wildmode=longest,list

set clipboard=unnamed

set softtabstop=2
set expandtab
set tabstop=2
set shiftwidth=2
set autoindent

set matchpairs+=<:> " To match arguments of templates
set cinoptions={1s,:0,l1,g0,c0,(0,(s,m1 " ITK/VTK style indenting

set vb
syntax on

" cycle through buffers with control page up/down
map <C-PageDown> :bn
map <C-PageUp> :bp
" delete current buffer with control delete
map <C-Del> :bd

" cycle through tags with control right/left
map <C-Right> :tn
map <C-Left> :tp


My windows c:/cygwin/cygwin.bat (launched by the shortcut). Requires rxvt and tcsh for cygwin. This is better for me because rxvt uses X-style cut and paste (middle mouse to paste) and tcsh can file complete with the drive letter (e.g. c:/Pro<Tab> --> c:/Program\ Files/ which bash won't do).

@echo off

chdir C:\cygwin\bin

set CYGWIN=binmode tty ntsec

rxvt -e /bin/tcsh -l

REM bash --login -i



Launching visual studio for slicer3 debugging

The you need to have the library paths set up correctly or the debugger won't find the dlls. In the Slicer3-build directory made by getbuildtest.tcl:

./Slicer3.exe --launch c:/Program\ Files/Microsoft\ Visual\ Studio\ 8/Common7/IDE/devenv.exe --detach Slicer3.sln

or, for the free Visual Studio Express:

 ./Slicer3.exe --launch c:/Program\ Files/Microsoft\ Visual\ Studio\ 8/Common7/IDE/VCExpress.exe --detach Slicer3.sln

For 64 bit windows:

./Slicer3.exe --launch "c:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio 8/Common7/IDE/devenv.exe" --detach Slicer3.sln

Then go to the Slicer3-real project and right click on it and select Set As Startup Project from the menu. Then you can use F5 to compile and start the debugger.

Wiki backup

A quick and dirty way of backing up the wiki:

wget -r http://wiki.na-mic.org

as of January 2007, this results in 3.3G. This doesn't preserve the full history or wiki markup, but it's an easy way to get piece of mind.

Format Test

A page testing format options.

Pages with nice wiki formatting:

Some links

BIRN NAC Slides: