Mbirn: Updates-1

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Jan 17, 2005 (J. Turner)

  • Below are the minutes from our Jan 17 2005 teleconference (Steven Rao, Vinay, Jessica Turner, Gary Glover, Jorge Jovicich)
  • Two starting projects were outlined for BIRN - Med College Wisconsin collaborations:
    • Use of MCW fMRI data to drive fBIRN analysis tool developments
      Binder et al. 1997Frost et al. 1999
      • Actions:
        • The next step is a teleconference with Jeffrey Binder, Greg Brown, Lisa Kilpatrick in early March to discuss dataset details. By early April we should be able to show progress and a timeline.
    • Characterization of MCW's magnet stability using fBIRN's protocols

MCW is currently taking possession of a short bore 3T GE scanner, and can use the FBIRN agar phantom protocol as a measure of the GE's stability and temporal dynamics. GE has seen this before, since UCSD used the same standards. FBIRN will send MCW an agar phantom as soon as they are delivered (currently ordered); in the meantime, MCW can start with the doped-water version of the 17-cm spherical phantom they have.

      • Actions
        • The next step is for FBIRN (Jess) to send Vinay the FBIRN agar/stability phantom protocol, using the Phase II version, as well as the agar recipe and the analysis methods.(DONE)
        • MCW (Vinay) will collect the data and share the results with the FBIRN (via Gary).
    • Other projects discussed but not proposed for immediate action included possible interactions with Ted DeYoe (MCW) who has a legacy dataset of multiple subjects studied multiple times for retinal mapping; interactions with MCW in the development of the Smart Phantom, as proposed by the FBIRN in their renewal; and comparing Siemen's B0 mapping that FBIRN is using as part of their Phase II protocol, which dovetails with the FSL-standard correction method, with the methods MCW has developed.