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  1. Discussion of imaging consultation requests (MacCabe, pediatric fMRI; Milanovic, MRS-stem cell detection; Hagberg, cardiovascular imaging)
  2. Incorporation of Mac Lean Hospital in the consultation service
  3. Feedback from budget meeting
  4. Education program (local, RSNA)
  5. Need for imaging nursing support

Harvard Translational Imaging Consortium Meeting Minutes April 28, 2009

1. Update on imaging consultation requests

  • Valerie gave an update on the ongoing consultation requests. All the investigators have been contacted by at least one imaging expert and the collaborative work is in process.

2. Incorporation of Mac Lean Hospital in the consultation service

  • Mac Lean has a lot of expertise in MR Spectroscopy that might be valuable for the imaging consultation service.
  • Randy and Valerie will be scheduling a presentation of the Catalyst imaging program for Mac Lean Hospital later in May. Ron suggested to schedule a tour of the facilities for the whole consortium, everybody agreed that it is a good idea.
  • It will be important to identify if PI at Mac Lean have a need for resources that other sites can provide (PET, MEG)

3. Feedback from budget meeting

  • Gordon Williams asked the members to create a table to document the time allocated by each to Catalyst tasks.
  • The group must work on the draft submitted to require ancillary funds to support preliminary imaging data acquisition. It is important to have a clear strategy for the review mechanisms to identify strong projects.
    • Randy will send a copy of the draft to everybody to look at the review section. Members are asked to send their revisions promptly.
    • Valerie will collect price for scan for different modalities at various institutions (intra-Harvard and nationally). It is important to show that we are aligned with the price range used by our peers.
  • Lee (PI of Catalyst CTSA) asked the imaging group to submit an application for an administrative supplement for NCRR supported grant. The application will be based on our project for imaging informatics infrastructure.

4. Education program