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  1. Definition of goals for this new subgroup
  2. Learn from existing multicenter trials

Multicenter Clinical Trail Working group Meeting Minutes April 21, 2010

In attendance:

  • Valerie Humblet
  • Bob Lenkinski
  • Clare Tempany
  • Charles Guttmann
  • Simon Warfield
  • Jeff Yap
  • Neil Rofsky

1. Goals

  • The main goal of this group is to set up a imaging trial across Harvard. It could be a virtual trial (no need for funding) or a real trial. Several modalities must be considered.
  • The goal is to start with a simple example and then go for more complicated examples.
  • Being able to do a successful cross-Harvard imaging trial is be very good with the perspective of the CTSA grant renewal.

2. Discussion

  • Validation is key, consistency of results is crucial. Reproducibility across sites and across vendors must be achieved.
  • Jeff suggested to look at some of the existing, already funded multicenter trial and see if we could help them wirk on a better reproducibility across site. He cited the example of neuro-oncology trials with DCE-MRI. So far the acquisitions are not standardized across institutions. At DFCI they are now testing the sequences used by Greg Sorensen at MGH.
  • Simon agreed, the same problems exist in pediatric neuro-oncology. He suggested to do a simulation to be able to show that by using protocols that are not standardized one gets different results.