2008 Winter Project Week

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Structural Analysis

Diffusion Image Analysis

Image Guided Therapy

  1. IGSTK-Slicer (Hata, w. Georgetown team, Liu, Tokuda)
  2. Japanese Intelligent Surgical Instrument Project (Hata, Chinzei, Hong)
  3. Fast volume rendering in Slicer for 4d IGT(Hata, Grauer, Andy, Mori)

NA-MIC Kit - Slicer 3

  1. MRML Scenes for the Execution Model including Transforms (Jim Miller, Brad Davis, Nicole Aucoin, Alex Yarmarkovich, Steve Pieper)
  2. Maybe Not: Lightbox (James, Jim, Wendy, Alex)
  3. Unstructured Grids and Mesh Support(Curt, Nicole, Alex, Steve, Will, Vince, Bob O'Bara)
  4. Python Support in Slicer 3 (Luca, Bryan Smith)
  5. CPack, CTest, CMake infrastructure Improvements(Katie, Steve, Bill Hoffman, Sebastien)
  6. Drafting Human Interface and Slicer Style Guidelines (Wendy,Sebastien)
  7. Check w/ Bryan (Supplement) Dendritic Spine Morphometrics (Bryan Smith)
  8. Revisit - ROIs in Slicer3 (Wendy, Jim, Nicole, Steve, Ron)
  9. Volume rendering (Andy Freudling, Steve Pieper, +)
  10. Stereo Displays (Katharina, Curt)
  11. 3D W Widgets (Will, Nicole, Curt, Kiran, Nicole)
  12. Groupwise Registration and Atlas Building (Brad, Serdar?)
  13. MRML support for out of core processing with fMRI and DTI as use cases (Steve, Jim, Wendy, Alex, Will)
  14. XNAT, Slicer, XCEDE, Batchmake Integration (Dan Marcus, Steve, Stephen, Jeff, Julien)
  15. KWWidgets Roadmap (Sebastien, Wendy, Katie)

External Collaborations

Non-Medical Collaborations



  • The All Hands Meeting and External Advisory Board Meeting will be held on Thursday, January 10th.
  • Project Activities will be held rest of the week between Monday, January 7th and Friday, January 11th.

Venue: The venue for the meeting is Marriot City Center, Salt Lake City, Utah Mariott City Center, Salt Lake City, Utah. (Floorplan). To reserve rooms at the meeting rate of $129/night, please call the hotel at 1-801-961-8700 or 1-866-961-8700 (toll free) and mention that you are attending the NAMIC meeting. Please note that we do need attendees to use this hotel in order to not incur additional charges for the use of conference rooms.

Registration: We are charging a registration fee to all participants. The fee covers the costs of the facilities and food provided. In order to keep the fee low, we need to get a sufficient number of hotel nights by our participants. See above for more on this. Please click here for online registration. This registration must be completed by Friday, December 14, 2007.

Please note that this information can also be found here.

(This is a checklist for the onsite planning items)

Introduction to NA-MIC Project Week

Please read the introduction to these events here.


Agenda for AHM 2008 and Project Week


  1. Please make sure that you are on the na-mic-project-week mailing list
  2. November 29, 2007: Kickoff TCON#1 (w/ NA-MIC Engeering Core only) to discuss Projects and Assign/Verify Teams
  3. December 6, 2007: TCON#2 with all participants to Assign/Verify Teams
  4. January 3, 2008: TCON#3 to discuss outstanding projects and teams
  5. December 6, 2007: Create a Wiki page per project (the participants must do this, hopefully jointly)
  6. January 3, 2008: Create a directory for each project on the NAMIC Sandbox (Zack)
    1. Ask Zack for a Sandbox account
    2. Commit on each sandbox directory the code examples/snippets that represent our first guesses of appropriate methods. (Luis and Steve will help with this, as needed)
    3. Gather test images in any of the Data sharing resources we have (e.g. the BIRN). These ones don't have to be many. At least three different cases, so we can get an idea of the modality-specific characteristics of these images. Put the IDs of these data sets on the wiki page. (the participants must do this.)
    4. Setup nightly tests on a separate Dashboard, where we will run the methods that we are experimenting with. The test should post result images and computation time. (Zack)
  7. By 3pm ET on Jan 3, 2008: Complete a templated wiki page for your project. Please do not edit the template page itself, but create a new page for your project and cut-and-paste the text from this template page. If you have questions, please send an email to tkapur at bwh.harvard.edu.
  8. Please note that by the time we get to the project event, we should be trying to close off a project milestone rather than starting to work on one...

Previous Project Events

A history of all the programming/project events in NA-MIC is available by following this link.