2010 Summer Project Week SPECTRE

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Home < 2010 Summer Project Week SPECTRE

Key Investigators

  • BWH: Nicole Aucoin
  • JHU: Min Chen


Futher integration of the Java SPECTRE skull tripping module into Slicer3.

Approach, Plan

Our approach is to integrate SPECTRE as an extension. The main challenge to this approach is setting up a web site with a stable jar file and tcl wrapper.

Our plan for the project week is to first try out a temporary location for the jar file and tcl wrapper and then come up with a plan for updates.

SPECTRE outputs will be modified to be compatible with Slicer image types(i.e. intensity, mask, etc.)


Tcl wrapped Java jar files have been integrated into Slicer3 already, so hopefully no major infrastructur changes will be required.

Delivery Mechanism

This work will be delivered to the NA-MIC Kit as a

  1. ITK Module
  2. Slicer Module
    1. Built-in
    2. Extension -- commandline YES
    3. Extension -- loadable
  3. Other (Please specify)
