2011 Summer Project Week Shape Analysis UNC

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Home < 2011 Summer Project Week Shape Analysis UNC

Key Investigators

  • UNC: Lucile Bompard, Clement Vachet,Beatriz Paniagua,Martin Styner
  • ......


The UNC shape analysis framework is an automatic approach employing sampled spherical harmonics (SPHARM-PDM). ShapeAnalysisModule computes point-based models using a parametric boundary description. The goal is to be able to use the point-based models computed with this tool to perform statistical studies (within shapeAnalysisMANCOVA) or to get correspondence point Models(within ParticleModule).

Approach, Plan


shapeAnalysisMANCOVA_Wizard can be use either though command line or within Slicer and whatever the choise, the mrml scene will be displayed in Slicer3 at the end. The shapeAnalysisMANCOVA_Wizard's window is now resizable.

Delivery Mechanism

This work will be delivered to the NA-MIC Kit as a

  1. ITK Module
  2. Slicer Module
    1. Built-in
    2. Extension -- commandline YES
    3. Extension -- loadable YES
  3. Other shapeAnalysisMANCOVA_Wizard