2013 Summer Project Week:DTIPipelineExtensions

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Home < 2013 Summer Project Week:DTIPipelineExtensions

Key Investigators

  • UNC NIRAL: Francois Budin
  • UNC NIRAL: Martin Styner
  • UNC NIRAL: Adrien Kaiser


Analysing Diffusion Tensor Images (DTI) require some specific tools to

  • Quality control Diffusion Weighted Images (DTIPrep)
  • Provide tools to compute and process DTI (DTIProcess)
  • Create an average DTI image from a set of images (DTIAtlasBuilder)
  • Visualize and edit tracted fibers (FiberViewerLight)
  • Analyze tracts (DTIAtlasFiberAnalyzer)

The goal of this project is to develop Slicer4 extensions providing those tools and verify that they correctly perform on all available platforms.

Approach, Plan


The Slicer extensions are available at : https://github.com/Slicer/ExtensionsIndex