2013 Summer Project Week:MaskedFFTNormalizedCorrelationOverlay

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Home < 2013 Summer Project Week:MaskedFFTNormalizedCorrelationOverlay

Key Investigators

  • GE: Dirk Padfield
  • UIowa: Hans Johnson
  • MSC/NLM: Bradley Lowekamp


Integrate the Masked FFT Normalized Correlation algorithm from ITK into Slicer.

Approach, Plan

so that the correlation map overlays correctly with the fixed image and the maxima of the correlation map

  • SimpleITK filter: Filters chosen from drop-down menu, with dynamically created parameter widgets
  • Input: Dynamically created for the number of images required by the SimpleITK filter selected that is MRML-aware
  • Output: Output image widget
  • Script: Textual display of Python script the module will evaluate. An "Apply" button will execute the Python code


so that the correlation map overlays correctly with the fixed image and the maxima of the correlation map

Delivery Mechanism

This work will be delivered to the NA-MIC Kit as a (please select the appropriate options by noting YES against them below)

  1. ITK Module - YES
  2. Slicer Module - YES
    1. Built-in
    2. Extension -- commandline
    3. Extension -- loadable
  3. Other (Please specify)
