2006 September Slicer 3 Meeting Notes

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Home < 2006 September Slicer 3 Meeting Notes

Action items: (see also Status page for SPL Slicer3 TODO items).

  1. Give error message when incrTcl isn't found (Steve)
  2. Check to make sure that itk is not being run in debug mode (Steve)
  3. Ron/Tina to set up meeting at MICCAI to check with core 1 re. rep from each group for Slicer 3 applications
  4. Consider alternate/physical coordinate systems (Mike Halle, Doug Allen, Alex Y)
    1. Mike and Doug will propose patches to accomodate their scales/coord systems
  5. set the background in 3d and 2d windows to be transparent? (Context: when you load a dataset like the visible human that is not square) (Bill, Steve)
  6. Visualization - fg/bg vs. layers? Evaluate what needs to be done to go to layers (Mike Halle, Wendy)
  7. Automatic discovery of type of data being loaded (vol, surfaces, xform...) (Bill, Jim, Steve)
  8. Control-F search of modules list (Yumin, Jim, Steve)
  9. Fiducials - move "select" column to left in the fiducial list (Nicole)
  10. Use style rather than color labels (Nicole, Mike)
    1. Basic Colors for November
    2. More extensive color mapping after January
  11. Rasterizing 2d polygons (Steve, Bill)
  12. Subject helper/delete changes (Will)
  13. Give Will pointer to volume rendering code in Slicer 2.x (Steve)
  14. Add volume rendering to deferred-post-Jan list. IGT be the driver for it. (Steve, Noby)
  15. Off-screen rendering functionality to be added to defferd-post-Jan list(Will)
  16. Extend Archetype file reading to handle color, vector etc. (Bill)
  17. Pull MGH data reading facility (from Gheorge's checked in code in the NA-MIC sandbox) in Slicer 3 for October(Nicole)
  18. Faster DICOM loading should be treated as high priority item - gdcm memory maps? (Matthieu, Jim)
  19. Launcher Code (Andy)
    1. Control-C on the Slicer3 should kill Slicer3-real
    2. Shell scripts to set up environment
    3. --executable flag to Slicer3 (launcher)
  20. Cpack output with architecture and build date included in installer name
  21. Introspection on Observers (Will)
  22. Put these notes in bug tracker (Tina)
  23. vtkDebugMacro and vtkErrorMacro and itk things should get logged to a KWWidget that replaces the vtkOutputWindow and itkOutputWindow (Yumin)
    1. Be able to save contents to file
  24. New file browsers (Yumin, Sebastien)
  25. Command line module enhancement (Jim - see status page)
  26. Registration Algorithm command line modules - Bill
    1. Skull stripper? See paper by Notestien et al from mBIRN


  1. ## Kilian: can joint seg/reg code be used as skull stripper as input to bpline registration
    1. Core 1 Challenge (Bill)
  2. Integrate OpenTracker (SPLOT) with MRML (Liu, Hata)

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