NA-MIC/Projects/NA-MIC Kit/IO Unification

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Enhance and leverage the IOFactory mechanism in the Insight Toolkit. ITK supports a large number of image formats (DICOM, Analyze, Nifti, NRRD, Meta, TIFF, PNG). These formats will be available to Slicer2 and Slicer3 through this mechanism.


A VTK wrapped ITK class called vtkITKArchetypeImageSeriesReader (and a vector version) have been developed and integrated into the Slicer2 and Slicer3 applications. The archetype reader extends the ITK factory capabilities to read volumes where each slice is stored in a separate file as well as volumes stored in a single file. The reader also manages the differences between series specified by numeric patterns in filenames and series specified by internal file format fields (DICOM). Coordinate frame specifications for the data are transferred to and from the MRML scene. The classes have user interface components for both Slicer versions.

Key Investigators

  • GE Research: Lorensen
  • Isomics: Yarmakovich, Pieper
