2013 Winter Project Week:InteractiveSegmentation

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Home < 2013 Winter Project Week:InteractiveSegmentation

Key Investigators

Peter Karasev, GT/UAB; Ivan Kolesov, GT/UAB; Allen Tannenbaum, UAB; Phillip Mitchell, Emory; John Xerogeanes, Emory

Project Description

Video Demo 1: Femur Epyphisis (youtube link)

Video Demo 2: Brain White + Grey matter (youtube link)


  • Improve Slicer interactive segmentation workflow
  • Add useful integral-like functionality to Slicer that have been useful in external matlab/c++
  • Port new theoretical developments into Slicer segmentation tool
  • Add coupled interactive level sets, use coupling matrix that pivots on the "active" surface

Approach, Plan

  • Verify lack of current integral functions in Slicer
  • Integrate bug fixes from Ivan Kolesov and Karl Fritscher
  • Try to separate CLI-like functions in interactive segmentation tool into separate own modules


  • bugfix for vanishing contour when image is ~constant or very noisy
  • generate and some synthetic data to stress the segmentor
  • gained some better understanding of python modules, planning on having kslice get instantiated from python script, although this might be limited to linux/mac.
  • see video demo 1 above; very tight coupling with QT, VTK, user feedback/display.
  • with integration functions, technically Slicer python + numpy can do this but requires a programmer with python knowledge. Prototyped a small parser for matlab-like syntax to be applied to Volumes in Slicer.