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Home < 2010-09-Leadership-Brainstorming
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- Please check to see that you have enough money budgeted for all necessary travel expenses: Project Weeks, All-Hands Meeting (AHM), core retreats, working meetings, participation in outreach activities.
Although the full NA-MIC team is engaged in supporting the DBPs, each DBP has been assigned specific algorithm and engineering partners from the Computer Science Cores 1A and 1B who are responsible either for providing technical support to the DBP directly, or for connecting them to the relevant NA-MIC resources. Partners have been allocated a separate line item in the budget that is distinctly allocated to support their time and travel to the DBP site. |
- Each new DBP must host an in-person kick-off meeting at their site with their algorithm and engineering partners before the end of the year. The goal of this meeting is to develop concrete and short-term plans for the DBP roadmap project.
- Each DBP will present their plans during their AHM presentation.
- It is crucial to identify the DBP engineer as soon as possible.
- wiki presence: DBP third generation
Computer Science
- Algorithm retreat before the end of the year
- Engineering
- TCON participation is mandatory for each site. Each engineering group has to be represented at all engineering TCON's.
- Wishlist for Engineering core:
- Support scenes containing data that spans multiple scales in time and space
- visualize, indicate correspondence and support interactions with a scene in which the data differ by orders of magnitude and change over time
- Infrastructure that supports simultaneous GPU-based volume rendering and GPU-based interactive segmentation methods (vtkWidgets)
- Define a "Core" Slicer that can be distributed with InsightApplications repository of ITKv4
- Guidelines and examples for GPU-based algorithms
- Interactive/iterative command-line modules (e.g., tied to a vtkWidget)
- Batch processing (IPython) examples
- includes an algorithm validation framework
- Investigate use of a binary mask used with volume rendering to specify non-rectilinear ROIs, to display segmentation results, and to display effects of interactive editing
- Finish Slicer4 (Qt port) on schedule
- Review Slicer3 bug tracker for issues and feature requests - in particular widgets, command line modules, improved transforms/registration...
- Interact with ITKv4, CTK, NiPy, and other like-minded projects.
- VTK 3D Widgets plans
- Make plans for a new and improved Editor for slicer4
- Graph Cuts, RSS and fast Marching with volume cropping and volume rendering
- Gestures in 2d and 3d
- Thumbnails everywhere: mrml files, scene snapshots,
- Scene snapshot module: reorder, rename
- unified load: harmonize loading of different types of data, from local and remote data sources. Make plans for logic components, local database & UI design
- extended save: save to local and remote destinations. Make plans for logic components, DB transaction, and UI design.
- organizing multiple data sets from one subject: time series, image fusion etc.
- Support scenes containing data that spans multiple scales in time and space
- Update the website after NOGA is issued
- Plan Slicer training on the west coast
- Consider a NAMIC training activity at University of Utah to be done in conjunction with January 2011 AHM.
- Centralize testing data outside of code repository (using method from ITKv4?)
- factory.slicer.org : Have the new setup ready for the AHM
- superbuild
- nightlies
- extensions
- dashboards for trunk, extensions, selected
- updating website to reflect those changes
- support migration of Na-mic and Slicer websites