2011 Winter Project Week:Breakout Slicer with Ron
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Moderator: Ron Kikinis
- This is an advanced topic presentation on Slicer abilities. The intention is to familiarize the NA-MIC community with Slicer abilities.
- You have mastered the introductions and you are hungry for more.... :)
- This means that we expect you to at least have worked through the Core Tutorials before this class.
- Ron and the creators of modules will show you advanced capabilities in Slicer 3.6
- What: Advanced capabilities in Slicer
- Who: All the new DBP engineers, all the participants new to NA-MIC
- When: Monday afternoon: 3pm through 5pm
- Where: Room XXXX
Case 40 from the fMRI neurosurgery data set on central.xnat.org
Preliminary Program
- 10 minutes or less per segment
- Comply with Rons Rules for Tools
- Registration (Dominik Meier, Hans Johnson)
- Register everything to the SPGR data
- basic concept and outline on FAQ
- List of special caveats pertaining to DTI registration and resampling
- overview of all DTI cases currently in the registration case library
- Similar case with step-by-step instructions, incl. DWI conversion and resampling
- Case showing 2-step registration DWI -> T2 -> T1 (direct to T1 fails)
- very complex case incl. anisotropy resampling, masking, manual initial alignment
- Resample as needed (DTI, T2 Baseline)
- Register everything to the SPGR data
- Compareview (Jim Miller)
- Scenesnapshots (Wendy Plesniak, Alex Yarmarkovic)
- Simple measurements and fiducials (Nicole Aucoin)
- Interactive editor (Steve Pieper)
- Fast segmenters: Fast Marching, RSS, GrowCutSegment (Andrey Fedorov, Yi Gao, Harini Veeraraghavan)
- DTI processing (Alex Yarmarkovic, Demian Wasserman)
- Volume Cropping (Andrey Fedorov)
- Keyboard and mouse shortcuts (Steve Pieper)
- Volume Rendering (Yanling Liu/Alex Yarmarkovic)
- EM segmentation (Kilian Pohl)
- Ron Kikinis
- Steve Pieper
- UCLA DBP Engineer: Andrei Irimia
- Iowa DBP Engineer: Mark Scully
- MGH DBP Engineer:
- Utah DBP Engineer: Josh Cates
- Utah DBP Student: Josh Blauer
- Utah DBP PI: Rob MacLeod
- Utah DBP Student: Chris Gloschat