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The successful deployment of NA-MIC image analysis technology in the neurosugical OR is the result of ongoing collaboration enabled by the NA-MIC Dissemination Core. The multi-modal pre-operative surgical plans shown here rely on the interactive diffusion image analysis tools built with NA-MIC Kit technology. They are deployed in the OR by connecting the commercially available BrainLab surgical navigation system to 3D Slicer via OpenIGTLink, developed in collaboration with Yale University and NCIGT. These pioneering core technologies are a direct result of the productive and collaborative environment fostered by the Dissemination Core's Project Week events.

The main objective of the Dissemination team is to facilitate communication within NA-MIC and from NA-MIC to the broader research community.

Members of our team:

  • Tina Kapur, PhD, BWH
  • Steven Pieper, PhD, Isomics Inc

This page provides a list of completed dissemination activities in NAMIC. Future activities can be found here.

Year 7 (August 2010-July 2011)



Year 6 (August 2009-July 2010)



Year 5 (August 2008-July 2009)



Year 4 (August 2007-July 2008)



Year 3 (August 2006-July 2007)



Year 2 (August 2005-July 2006)


Year 1 (August 2004-July 2005)


  • February 20-22, 2005: AHM in SLC
  • February 18, 2005: Presentation to Stanford NCBC (Simbios) to discuss possible collaborations and common software development efforts. Steve Pieper and Ron Kikinis presented to the group and met with Simbios PIs and researchers all day.
  • February 17-18, 2005: Dissemination Workshop at UCSD

  • December 15, 2004: Met with team at UCSD. Observed demos of research and development on BIRN and how the database infrastructure will be used for NAMIC.
  • December 9-10, 2004: Dissemination Workshop at SPL, BWH:Agenda, Presentations, List of Participants, Summary, Feedback

  • November 18, 2004: Met with Core 5 PI at MGH.
    • Identified items of interest to both dissemination and training efforts in the first set of events.
    • Concluded that for the first year, both dissemination and training events can be covered in single event. Beyond the first year, training will continue to focus on the NA-MIC community, while dissemination will be responsible for the academic community outside NAMIC.
    • Discussed the inclusion of a web-based fmri tutorial in the initial dissemination events.
  • November 18, 2004, Met with Core 1 PIs and students at MIT. Discussed the content of the NA-MIC kit, showed Wiki, and obtained feedback that a session on ITK would be useful.
  • November 17, 2004: Met with teams at two core 1 sites (MIT, MGH) and received preliminary feedback on content of NA-MIC Kit Version0.
  • November 16, 2004: Dissemination Kickoff Meeting Agenda and Summary